Site 4 your tank
4:Build A Page


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Building your first page


STEP 1:  Go to hit the key to login the enter you username and your password

STEP 2: Go to the BUILD & EDIT tab then under Site Tools go to Site Builder. You will see a button for start from scratch with blank site,

STEP 3: Name your site, Then pick a 1 column page. Hit the "continue" button

STEP 4: You will see a button to "see all of the designs" Select one of the "customizable designs" Hit the "use this design" button

STEP 5: You should now see a page with a rough design and a bunch of content areas with buttons that say edit. Select the very top one and hit the edit button, then type the headline name of your site. Click the done button. This should bring you back to your page and you will see the change you made. continue to click on the edit buttons and add the text you want in each box.

STEP 6: At the bottom of the page you will see "Add Picture" button. Click it. You will see the areas that you can put pictures. Hit the button by the area you want to place your main picture for your front page. Next pick the main picture for the page by hitting the button that says upload then click browse. You will see the folders on your drive, Pick an image. This will bring you to a page where you pick how you want that picture to look on the page. Pick a size and how you want the picture to layout with the text. Go thru the steps and you will see the picture on the page.

STEP 7: Remember you only want 1 or 2 pictures and a small amount of welcome text on the front page

STEP 8: Publish to the web by clicking on the Publish to Web button at the bottom of the page.

You have now published your first page.

Go To the Next Page 5: More Pages